Sunday, July 24, 2005

The doctor who did my ACL surgery

Warren D. King, M.D.
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
795 El Camino Real
Palo Alto, California 94301
(650) 853-2943
Sunnyvale Sports Medicine Satellite
1195 Arques, Suite #2
Sunnyvale, California 94085
(408) 732-0600
Department(s): • Sports Medicine
• Surgecenter
Specialty: Orthopedic Surgery
Board Certification:Certified

Educational Background
Medical Education: University of Southern California, 1983
Internship: University of Southern California Medical Center
Residency: University of Southern California Medical Center
Fellowship(s): Sports Medicine, KerlanJobe Clinic, CA
Affiliations: Dr. King is on the medical staff of several professional athletic teams, including the Oakland Raiders, San Jose Sharks, U.S. Soccer and U.S. Rugby.
Professional Interests: Cartilage transplantation, complex knee and shoulder reconstruction and arthroscopic procedures
Personal Interests: Dr. King enjoys skiing, surfing, fly fishing and is a pilot. He and his wife have three children.


James said...

Hi, Miles,

I just found out your acl story today. I completely torn my left knee last October(I will remember that day forever...) with bad landing while playing volleyball. My wishful thinking is not to go for a surgery, but ... Maybe inevitable.. I am 35 years old.

I read some of your blogs. I know you like skating a lot. You mentioned you had to dance with only one leg at some party and can't skate because of bad knee in 2007 blog. Did that mean after the surgery I still can't go back to the original life I had before? If that is true, I may not go to the surgery. At least I can walk with a little bitlimping now:|

Thanks in advance,

Miles Gehm said...

Hi James,
You can email me directly at if you want.

My knee history
mid December 2004 - I tore my ACL. It wasn't diagnosed, because the doctor didn't want to go for an MRI. I went to physical therapy for 6 weeks, and it got stronger, but when I tested it dancing at the end of February 2005, it buckled. I insisted on getting an MRI and the ACL was clearly ripped in half.

4/6/2005 I had a replacement ACL (from a cadaver) put in. I was off work for a week and a day. I went to physical therapy twice a week for 3 months and really worked hard at PT and was really careful not to do anything that would stress my knee. I wore my giant brace to concerts and didn't skate at all.

3/1/2006 I went snowboarding! I was scared but there were no problems. Then I started skating again. Physically, it was fine, but it took a long time to trust myself again.

1/6/2008 I almost never think about my knee. I skate, snowboard, dance in the mosh pit, etc. A complete recovery! Well maybe I lost some range of motion, but if I would do more stretching exercises that would probably come back.

My advice is to get an MRI so you know for sure what is wrong, and then go for whatever surgery is indicated. Let me know how it goes.

Good luck,
