Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Blank Club Nov3_06 - Surf Cinema, Pollo Del Mar, The Why

Albert took this video. He said I could post it. Thanks Albert!

This review was written by blackjeanschris ( I had to leave before the Whys came on. I thought the surf cinema set was good, and the Pollo Del Mar set was really good. I've seen them lots of times and this was one of the best.

Blank Club, San Jose, 11/3/06


Got there a little late and missed the start of the set. Surf Cinema is a three-piece surf cover band that performs while a video projector runs a party mix reel of car crashes, skateboard stunts, animation and clips from BATMAN episodes and MUNSTERS GO HOME. It's a fun show, and these guys can really rock, like a live, three-dimensional greatest-hits album of surf classics. I'd go see them again anytime. ***


Pollo del Mar's a four-piece surf band, more sophisticated than the rest. I only recognized a couple of covers, Link Wray's "Rumble" and a traditional surf classic whose title I just couldn't think of, but man! The band did a hell of a good job with it. They played a lot of originals, and the songs were pretty good, though they tended to be a little on the long and prog-rock side. There's nothing wrong with that; I just prefer the traditional surf rock style. I could really appreciate the superb musicianship, though. These guys can teach an old guitar a new trick or two, that's for sure. I was standing in the back of the club, and could look up to my left at the dressing room window, where members of the Whys could be seen getting ready for its set. Now and then one of them would perch at the window, paying close attention to Pollo Del Mar's performance, even recording some of it with a video camera. ***