Saturday, November 20, 2010

621 was fun except for the kid who fell and screamed for 45 minutes until the paramedics took him out on a stretcher. Heading out to dance it up at the bowling alley now.
heading to 6twentyone

black and white cab

All hail the king and rightful ruler!

black and white cab

1st collector for black and white cab
Follow my videos on vodpod

All hail the king and rightful ruler!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

20101113 five second sunset at lcrsp

A Saturday in November around 5 pm in San Jose

201001113 dogman at the skate park

The song is "I don't get the blues when I'm stoned" from "Lonesome Man" by "Dogman and The Shepards". Dogman's real name is Neal Black. He has a recent CD out "Handful of Rain" by "Neal Black and the Healers". I saw him and bought the vinyl in San Antonio around 1987. He now lives and records in France. Pretty damn awesome.

20101114 skating with boss501

Boss 501 are from Chico and they play a mean ska/skinhead reggae thing. That is their song in the background just audible under the wind noise.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

20101113 Nikki Ohio FS 5-oh stall

1st collector for 20101113 Nikki Ohio FS 5-oh stall
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an out of town girl makes a trick for the first time under video pressure towards the end of a fun Saturday session

20101114 skating with boss501

1st collector for 20101114 skating with boss501
Follow my videos on vodpod

Boss 501 are from Chico and they play a mean ska/skinhead reggae thing