Saturday, April 26, 2008

20080424 03 Sector 9 rider at Sunnyvale skate park

This guy flew in from Oregon for the Cunningham park opening. He stopped by Sunnyvale the day before and was killing it on his longboard. A really nice friendly guy too. Maybe I'll think about buying a sector *!

20080422 I eat strange egg at work

A odd asian thing. A fertilized egg about 2/3rds of the way to being hatched is hard boiled and then eaten. The chicken embryo has started to diferentiate. There is stuff like feathers. Not beak or feet thank god! They said I wouldn't eat it, so of course I had to.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

4/17/08 CSP skating

mostly Chris Henderson

4/17/08 CSP skating

mostly Chris Henderson

4/17/08 CSP skating

mostly Chris Henderson

4/17/08 CSP skating

mostly Chris Henderson

4/17/08 CSP skating

mostly Chris Henderson

4/17/08 CSP skating

mostly Chris Henderson

4/17/08 CSP skating

mostly Chris Henderson

4/17/08 CSP skating

mostly Chris Henderson

4/17/08 CSP skating

mostly Chris Henderson

4/17/08 CSP skating

mostly Chris Henderson

4/17/08 CSP skating

mostly Chris Henderson

4/17/08 CSP skating

mostly Chris Henderson

4/17/08 CSP skating

mostly Chris Henderson

4/17/08 CSP skating

mostly Chris Henderson

4/17/08 CSP skating

mostly Chris Henderson

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fwd: Wed 4/23 7 PM KFJC Radio hour by Miles Gehm

Wed 4/23 7 PM KFJC Radio hour by Miles Gehm
That's California time, dude!

Time for the 2008 edition.

You know you want to listen.

The hour is going to be a mix of surf and ska with a dash of punk thrown in.


KFJC 89.5 FM
Foothill Junior College in Los Altos, California 
for internet options

20 kbps feed use or and click "listen"

32 kbps feed use or and click "listen"

128 kbps feed use or and click "listen"

Sunday, April 20, 2008

20080420 03 LCRSP my first day

My uber lame full pipe run. This thing is so big and you get going so fast so quickly. On the other side there are 12.5 foot transitions which seem impossibly huge. I'll get it in a year or so.

20080420 06 LCRSP my first day

Overview video clip 2 rolling from west to east along the north edge of the park.