Monday, June 28, 2010

My warped tour Saturday

I didn't arrive until mid-afternoon.

I heard the end of the VGS set, and danced to KnockOut. Knock Out has a new guitar player who kills. The stage set-up was lame with the sound board way too close to the stage.

After the end of the official ska segment, several bands later, LEFT ALONE played the same stage. I had never heard of them and really liked them. They are on Hellcat.

A couple of friends took 1st and 2nd in the sk8 contest, which was fun to watch.

So many good looking females!

I spend the rest of the day at the punk rock legends stage.
Toy Dolls
were great

I had a great time. Danced so hard it was hard to walk the next morning. Lots of amusing photos coming.