Saturday, September 15, 2007

tale of woe

I got hurt again. Skating at Sunnyvale last night. I am that park's bitch!

1. torn acl
2. turned ankle
3. really turned ankle

All at SV. Considering I skate there 10% of the time, it is quite a track record. I might have to stick to CSP.

I was on the verge of leaving last night. I was feeling decent. After my ankle got warmed up I could forget about it. I had made some nice extended bert slides for the first time in a month. I was practicing my 360s. Flinging sweat like a sprinkler. This guy totally runs into me. I fall down, twisting the fuck out of my bad ankle. I roll on the ground trying not to sob or scream.

I had just bought a really good ankle brace (thanks Nate!) or I'm sure it would have snapped. The dude who ran into me is a nice guy and felt bad. I hopped to my van. It hurt so bad driving home.

I get home.
My wife is pissed. "Why did you do that?" "Why don't you know your limits?"
My son is pissed. "Now we can't skate this weekend!"
So much for sympathy. At least I have lots of SELF pity.
I get the ice packs out of the freezer and 3 beers and retreat to the TV room.

It doesn't hurt too much this morning. I think I'll be able to skate some hills with my son. Hope I don't have to run out of anything.

enough whining
time to suck it up


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

20070909 my inspirat-SON

Matt shows how to slide with style and then curs loose with his awesome street skills. What a turkey!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Dad sucks at sliding

Sad but true. I need to work on my flexibility. And my strength. And my endurance. And my quickness. And my style. Good thing I love to skate.