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my iTunes library spews forth!
milesgehm podcast 005
Enjoy! -- Miles Gehm
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nearly 30 minutes of my top rated songs in my library.
They are sorted according to length continuing from the first 4 episodes.
Punk Ska Surf on this one. The longest is 1:43. There is no theme.
song; artist; albumn; min:sec
Intro (Rock Steady); No Doubt; Rock Steady; 0:27
KKK Highway; Mu330; Kick Ass Ska; 0:42
Takin' Retards To The Zoo; The Dead Milkmen; Big Lizard In My Backyard; 0:48
For Boston; Dropkick Murphys; Sing Loud, Sing Proud; 1:33
The Cause; NOFX; Punk In Drublic; 1:37
Latch Key Kids; Bad Religion; How Could Hell Be Any Worse?; 1:38
Kick Your Daddy's Ass; Secretions; Coming To Save The World; 1:38
Hippie Stoner; Secretions; Coming To Save The World; 1:39
Axiom; Rancid; Rancid [2000]; 1:40
King Kong Stomp (Live); The Groovie Ghoulies; Monkey Business; 1:40
South Bound 95 (Live); Avail; 4AM Friday (Bonus Tracks); 1:41
The Heavies (Let's Surf the River of Blood); Man Or Astro-man?; Destroy All Astro-Men; 1:41
American Dream; Bad Religion; How Could Hell Be Any Worse?; 1:41
Blackhawk Down; Rancid; Rancid [2000]; 1:41
Get Off; Bad Religion; Against The Grain; 1:42
Unacceptable; Bad Religion; Against The Grain; 1:42
Why; Flip The Switch; Snap-Crackle-Ska; 1:42
Landlocked; Man Or Astro-man?; Destroy All Astro-Men; 1:42
The Augur's Tale; The Lillingtons; The Too Late Show; 1:42
Final Transmission; The Lillingtons; The Backchannel Broadcast; 1:43