Sunday, September 26, 2004

Re: vote


I hope the crepes were good. I'll put Sweet Peas on my list. I skated at the little Campbell Skate Park from noon to 2, showered, and drove up to SF to see Pollo Del Mar. They came on late and a different band opened. It was The Bezerkers instead of The Lava Rats. It was great. I had time to eat a good chicken barbecue with 3 sides before the music started. Pollo Del Mar is so good! Most of the band members have kids and most of them were dancing, so the 2 tattooed women and I had some company. One of the women had bright pink hair and the very proper name of Elizabeth. You never know.

I deleted your name from this because I am copying my blog. Check it out via my web site.


On Sun, 26 Sep 2004 11:29:53 -0700 (PDT), some guy wrote:
> MIles,
> It's around 11:25 am Sunday and there is some really good show on TV
> that switches from Surfing, Water Ski. Skating, Sking.
> We have Cable here, sorry I don't know the name of the show but it's
> on Channel #3.
> Take care, hope your enjoying the weekend.
> We are ready to head over to Los Gatos and eat at this little place
> that has great crapes, it's calle Sweet Peas. If your ever over that
> way it's really worthwhile.
> It's on Santa Cruz Blvd.
> Take care!